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First Aid Finds for the Field

Last updated on December 14th, 2023 at 11:49 am

You’re there at every practice and game cheering on your little athlete from the sidelines. It also means you see each tumble, bump, or bruise that inevitably happens. Being prepared for these injuries is essential to a quick recovery. During the busy fall sports season, make sure you’re ready with a field first aid kit for frequent emergencies, injuries, or illnesses that happen on the field.

Cuts and Scrapes

Minor wounds and injuries to skin can happen in any sport. Equip your kit with essentials like band-aids and bandages, gauze, tweezers, and antiseptic wipes. You’ll also want a skin care product like Calendula Cream or Ointment to apply to the affected area. Made from garden marigolds, these topicals promote the healing of skin irritations like cuts, scrapes, and turf burn.*

Sprains, Strains, and Sore Feet

If you’re a sports mom, then you’re no stranger to strains, sprains, and sore feet. So don’t forget to stash some Arnicare products, like Arnicare Cream or FootCare for on-the-spot treatment of pain, swelling, and bruises, or foot and ankle pain.* These soothing, moisturizing formulas are ideal for massage and free of fragrances and dyes. Hot compresses or ice packs are also excellent to have handy but make sure to wait five minutes after using them before you apply Arnicare.

Hay Fever and Allergies

For children with seasonal allergies, AllergyCalm can help make competing in outdoor sports more enjoyable. This non-drowsy medicine relieves symptoms of hay fever and other upper respiratory allergies such as itchy, watery, burning, and irritated eyes; sneezing; runny nose; and itchy throat and nose.* It’s available in slightly sweet melt-away pellets and unflavored quick-dissolving tablets for children ages 2 and older.

Visit the Boiron shop to purchase these medicines and discover more first aid finds for your family.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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2 thoughts on “First Aid Finds for the Field”

  1. Jeanette D’Amico

    I have used Boiron homeopathic remedies for many years. My doctor is a MD who has treated me with homeopathic remedies and Reiki. Ten years ago I became hyperthyroid and was terrified. I didn’t want the toxic medicine that allopathic doctors use or have my thyroid surgically removed which was suggested. My doctor put me on Nat Mur and that healed my thyroid. I also had to start speaking up and every time I spoke my truth my thyroid healed. I have a stash of remedies at home and the Materia Medica and I am amazed at the healing results I have had with Boiron. The hyperthyroid state continued for three years, off and on, but taking Nat Mur and speaking up healed me. I was told that I could have a relapse and I did about two years ago but it was only of concern for about three or four months. Since the last recurrence I haven’t had a problem with my hyperthyroid. I am so grateful to Boiron for their outstanding remedies. Oh, during the time I was hyperthyroid my doctor had me mix a split dose which I took every day for a period of time. Awesome. I educate my family and friends about homeopathy and then let them decide if it is right for them. I believe everyone on the planet needs homeopathy. Surely it would heal our world.

    Peace and blessings,

    Jeanette D’Amico
    Portland, Oregon

    1. Hi Jeanette, thank you for sharing your story with us and all of our readers. We’re so happy to hear how well our products have worked for you. Thanks again for being a loyal customer and for spreading the love about homeopathy!

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