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How to Outsmart Allergy Symptoms at Home and School

Last updated on October 2nd, 2024 at 11:02 am

Cold girl sitting at school

Allergy season is here! Indoor and outdoor allergens run rampant this time of year. To prevent both you and your family from suffering through symptoms like itchy eyes and runny noses, follow these tips to allergy-proof your home and school environments.

Make Your Home an Allergy-Free Zone
  • Keep surfaces clean and uncluttered. Knickknacks and decorations can be a haven for dust, one of the most common indoor allergens. Reduce the risk by limiting your display items and remember to clean those tricky spots, like door frames and windowsills. Less dust means less sneezing!
  • Maintain your pet’s coat and toys.  While loveable, pets can make certain seasonal allergy symptoms worse. They can bring pollen and other outdoor allergens inside on their fur, which ends up on their toys and favorite furniture. Regularly wash your animals and their belongings and consider making bedrooms off-limits for lounging.
  • Reduce moisture in bathrooms and kitchens.   Damp, humid areas are ideal for mold. You can reduce the amount of moisture in the air by using dehumidifiers and addressing any leaks immediately. These changes can drastically reduce the humidity and keep mold — and its allergy-triggering spores — from growing in your home.
Allergy-Proof the Classroom
  • Work with school staff to come up with a plan.  Children spend a big part of their day in school, so it’s important that their allergies are managed there, too. Make sure the staff at your child’s school know about their allergies and work with them to develop a plan to minimize allergens in the classroom.
  • Walk through the classroom to spot triggers.  Volunteering to point out problem areas in the classroom can be very helpful. Look for things like open windows, soft furniture, stuffed animals, and damp areas. Ask if windows can be kept closed on high pollen days. Check if soft fabric items are washed regularly and try to detect the cause of any damp areas to determine if they can be easily rectified.
  • Teach your child allergy management skills.   Ensure that your child knows how to avoid their allergy triggers to the best of their ability. Encourage them to avoid classroom pets or wash their hands immediately after touching animals. Empower them to ask for help if they need the windows closed or need to wash their hands. Let them know that, if at any point they experience allergy symptoms, they should tell an adult for assistance.

Even with your best efforts, it’s hard to completely avoid allergens. So, when symptoms do appear, try AllergyCalm for relief that won’t interfere with you or your child’s day. This homeopathic medicine uses pure active ingredients to relieve indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms, such as itchy and watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose* without causing drowsiness. It also comes in meltaway tablets and pellets made for kids ages 2 and up.

This fall, find AllergyCalm in your local Walgreens and Rite-Aid stores and AllergyCalm Kids in your nearest Sprouts and Whole Foods stores or shop for them both online at

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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