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Tips for a Fun & Safe Halloween

Last updated on August 6th, 2022 at 11:47 am

Are your kids ready for an exciting trick-or-treat adventure this weekend? Or more importantly, are YOU ready?  Before your little ones hit the pavement in search of yummy treats, here are 13 Halloween safety tips from

– Have adult supervision. Accompany your kids if you don’t think they’re old enough to trick-or-treat on their own.

– There is safety in numbers. If they’re old enough to trick-or-treat without an adult, tell your kids to stay in a group.

– Map out your plan. Designate a route before your kids begin trick-or-treating, and make sure they stick to it.

– Take the long way ’round. Have your kids trick-or-treat in areas where there are a lot of people around. They should also avoid taking short-cuts through alleys and parking lots.

– Try trick-or-treat-friendly homes. Ensure your kids only visit houses with lights on. And you might also suggest the houses they visit have some sort of Halloween decoration on the porch.

– Stay outside. Make sure your kids don’t go inside someone’s house. They can get their candy from the porch.

– Remain visible. Dress your kids in a bright costume so others can see them. If their costume is dark, have your kids wear reflective strips or carry a glow stick or flashlight.

– Remember, shorter = safer. This goes without saying but just in case you forget, ensure your kids’ costumes aren’t so long that they can trip over them.

– Don’t cover the face. Instead of masks, have your kids wear make-up so they can see better.

– Quality-check treats. Check your kids’ candy before they eat it. Throw out any candy that is not in its original wrapper or looks like it has been tampered with.

– Say “no” to strangers. Tell your kids to never accept a ride or go anywhere with a stranger.

– Obey the law. Encourage your kids to follow all the regular rules for walking around. That includes looking both ways before crossing, obeying all traffic laws and using cross walks and crossing lights where available.

– Have a great time! Make sure your kids have tons of fun and get lots and lots of candy.

And remember, nothing ruins a night of trick-or-treating more than the sniffles or a bad cough. So if your child starts showing symptoms of a cold or cough before the big night, be prepared with Children’s ColdCalm Pellets and Children’s Chestal honey cough syrup and nip those symptoms in the bud!

Happy Halloween from all of us here at Boiron!

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