Gut Feelings: Navigating Summer Snacking

Last updated on July 24th, 2024 at 11:08 am

The summer months are full of grad parties, picnics, and cookouts. Amid these celebrations, it‘s easy to forget that your gut needs certain things to keep it running in peak form. Signs of poor gut health include gas, heartburn, bloating, upset stomach, and diarrhea. Thankfully, keeping your digestive wellness on track can be as simple as making small swaps in your snacks or meals.

Fantastic Fiber

While salty snacks like chips and pretzels are delicious, they can slow digestion and cause bloating. Opt for something high in fiber. A plate with green, leafy veggies or a handful of nuts will promote optimal colon function, aiding in digestion and helping to keep you regular.

Positive Proteins

Fatty, greasy, or fried foods can be tough on your digestive system, causing stomach pain and heartburn. Choosing lean proteins like grilled chicken and fish over fried chicken or red meat supports easier digestion while providing key nutrients and promoting heart health.

Bold Berries

Sweet treats are sometimes the highlight of a get-together, but too many — especially those that contain artificial sweeteners — are hard for your body to process. Satisfy sweet cravings with berries and citrus fruits. These fruits contain less fructose, or fruit sugar, than others which makes them easier to digest and less likely to cause gas.

Pleasant Probiotics

Processed foods aren’t good for you, partly because they contain preservatives that slow down gut motility and allow bad bacteria to build up. Great swaps include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or pickled cucumbers. Probiotics encourage healthy microbes to grow in the gut and keep everything running smoothly.

Water for the Win

Drinking water is also an important part of staying healthy in summertime. Fiber and the other nutrients need water to be digested properly. Water helps nutrients and waste move through your digestive system, ensuring everything ends up in the right place.

Fun in the sun doesn’t have to compromise your digestive health. Even when indulging in treats, you can manage symptoms and effects with homeopathic medicines that work gently with the body.

Boiron has a variety of medicines to relieve many symptoms that may pop up. For diarrhea with intestinal pain, bloating, gas, nausea, and vomiting*, try Diaralia. Acidil relieves occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, bloating, and upset stomach.* And when bloating, pressure, discomfort, and pain associated with gas* strike, there is Gasalia. Each of these digestive medicines also come as convenient and portable On the Go Pellets, for relief wherever you need relief.

Whether making gut-healthy swaps or savoring your favorite foods, you can enjoy all summer has to offer with homeopathic medicines. Find these Boiron medicines at your local natural product or health food store using our Store Locator.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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