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New Documentary “Just One Drop” Explores Homeopathy

Last updated on July 28th, 2022 at 10:39 am

Just One Drop,” a new documentary on homeopathy that explores its history, dispels myths and misconceptions, and asks whether or not this system of medicine has been given a fair shake, is now playing in theaters across the United States.

To many, homeopathy seems implausible. Yet, it has been around for more than 200 years and is used by millions worldwide. “Homeopathy has been maligned and misrepresented for 200 years,” said “Just One Drop” director Laurel Chiten. “All I am trying to do with this film is give homeopathy a voice, a voice that continues to be misinterpreted.”

“I want ‘Just One Drop’ to open up a dialogue, get people talking to each other, asking questions, and sharing information. My ultimate dream is to have homeopathy available as a health care option for everyone and be integrated into health care systems around the world,” Chiten said. “This is a film that goes beyond just homeopathy. It is about freedom of choice in health care.”

Click here to find a screening of “Just One Drop” near you.


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