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Use checkout code: HOMEOPATHICS15 for 15% off on our cold, cough, flu, and stress and sleep medicines.

Stress Less this Holiday Season with Homeopathy

Last updated on January 12th, 2024 at 08:45 am

Christmas stress - busy woman wearing santa hat stressing for christmas shopping holding may christmas gifts in her arms. Funny image of multiracial Asian Caucasian female model isolated on white background.

Ah, the holidays. That joyous time of year spent relaxing with family and snuggling in front of the fireplace while the snow gently falls outside.

Cut to reality as you sprint from store to store, trying to find the Western Hemisphere’s last MegaUltraMightyMan action figure for your 8-year-old. And then battling traffic all the way to the airport to grab the in-laws, followed by the intense negotiations at home convincing your overdramatic high schooler to give up her room for a week so the grandparents can be comfortable there. And you haven’t even started on the big holiday dinner for 22 people, including Uncle Lou, who doesn’t like anything and complains about everything.

And before you know it, 11 p.m. is here. You’re wide awake in bed and your mind is still racing, worrying about everything you still need to get done. Holidays, thy name is stress. Fortunately, there are a number of homeopathic medicines that can help relieve the stress of the holiday season.

Sleeplessness with worries or even happy anticipation for the big event calls for Coffea cruda. It’s tailored to someone who simply can’t fall asleep upon retiring.*

If there is conflict during your holiday preparations and it’s taking up too much space in your brain, try Ignatia amara. It relieves symptoms of stress with hypersensitivity to pain, smell, emotions, and stress, improved by distraction.*

Frantically running from errand to errand can leave you feeling both physically and mentally exhausted. Kali phosphoricum relieves physical and intellectual fatigue due to overexertion, with sleeplessness and headaches.*

Are you feeling apprehensive about hosting a holiday party and don’t feel like you have enough time to prepare? Argentum nitricum helps relieve stress marked by apprehension, agitation, and heartburn.*

If you’re flying to visit friends and loved ones and you’re feeling so nervous that you’re trembling, try Gelsemium sempervirens. It also helps if you have a headache.*

For an all-around stress reliever, non-habit forming, non-drowsy StressCalm® from Boiron temporarily relieves nervousness, hypersensitivity, and fatigue due to stress.* For sleeplessness, intermittent awakening, and restless sleep, SleepCalm® works to restore a healthy sleep pattern.*

Use Boiron’s Medicine Finder app to pinpoint your symptoms and find the right medicine in just three clicks.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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9 thoughts on “Stress Less this Holiday Season with Homeopathy”

  1. Please advise which homeopath remedy works best for grieving. I lost my Mother 6 weeks ago and have been crying day in and day out. I feel so dismal.
    Thank you

    1. Try Sepia 30C, 5 pellets twice a day for a week. It may increase sadness and tears the first days, but will help in accepting the situation and get to a more serene state of mind.

  2. What homeopathic would be suggested for a newly graduated 23 year old college student who is frantically trying to get a job, or paid internship for experience to eventually apply to grad school in the field of environmental science. She is feeling worthless, like she chose the wrong field, is never going to find a job. Has applied for internship but was not chose b/c not enough fund so another feeling she is feeling is rejection. Thank you for any input.
    Her mom,

    1. We must distinguish her physical and behavioral symptoms (reactive depression, frustration, anxiety) from their causes (feeling worthless, feeling of failure, etc.) Homeopathy can reduce the first ones, but of course does nothing on their causes. To get a few days of relief on anxiety, stress and frustration, use Sedalia. Use Quietude if sleeping is also an issue. They won’t affect vigilance and alertness. Tell her to stay calm, focused and persevere.

  3. Holidays are just too much for me. I don’t want to celebrate, I don’t see the point. I have two young kids so I go through the motions for them when I’d rather it be an ordinary day. It’s been like this for a year now and getting worse. I’d like to enjoy the holidays while they’re still tweens. Thoughts?

  4. Hi
    I’m from Iran and I had OCD and depression since childhood
    Is there any remedy for me? And that you have the possibility to send Remedy by post to Iran?

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