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Achoo! Here’s How Homeopathy Can Help With Your Allergies

Last updated on November 28th, 2023 at 03:17 pm

Does allergy season seem to feel like it’s getting worse as each year passes? Well, that’s because it is. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, this season is continuing a 20-year trend of increased pollen in the atmosphere due to rising temperatures and greenhouse gasses.

Girl Blowing Nose

Tree pollen can be at its worst right now. Not to mention the grass pollen that we have to deal with until June. There’s a lot of sniffling, sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes happening right in our own backyards.


While there is no cure for allergies, you can treat them without drowsiness or drug interactions with homeopathic medicines. Our AllergyCalm contains a blend of homeopathic medicines that temporarily relieve one or more of these symptoms of hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies: itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat and nose.* We have it available in tablets for adults and in pellets for children.

For a more customized treatment, use our medicine finder to match your individual symptoms to the right medicine in three clicks or less! Some of the more popular single “blue tube” medicines during allergy season are Galphimia glauca to relieve spasmodic sneezing caused by hay fever*; Histaminum to relieve all symptoms of allergic origin*; and, Nux vomica to relieve hay fever that tends to occur in the early morning, upon awakening, with spasmodic sneezing.*

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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